Sunday, March 3, 2013

The one about my foot...

This last week, scratch that, the last 2ish weeks, have been interesting. Here is the little story of my life here in Rwanda. 
Monday (2 weeks ago), I woke up with a sore foot and a callus looking thing. It was sore, but nothing major, so I let it go. By Tuesday, it was so painful, and swollen, that I couldn't walk on it. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't get comfortable. No matter what I did, my foot was just a throbbing ball of stabbing pain. This continued on for a week. I had no clue what was going on. So, I looked up on Webmd. After that, I was convinced I had like 6 deadly foot diseases. I tried everything I could think of, but alas, no relief. Then, on Monday (a week later), I noticed a blueish/blackish bliseter type thing on the very bottom of my foot. So, like any curious person, I poked at it. Soon, the blister popped and goo came out. (Sorry if this gets too graphic. My bad) Then, a friend squeezed more out. The pain was gone and I thought my week of trauma was over.
I found out that when the blister is popped "prematurely", the infection then spreads, causing the same issue all over again in a neighboring area. So, on Tuesday I ventured out to the clinic. There is an Adventist clinic with a doctor from Indonesia who studied in the States. I found that interesting. 
Anyways...the doctor looked at my foot and told me it was infected (Wow, thanks doc, I had no idea!). He gave me a new bandaid, put some ointment on it, an antibiotic and a pain killer (Ibuprofen, that's some strong stuff...not) and sent me home to return the next morning. So, Wednesday morning, once again I got on a bus ready for some foot surgery. Ready isn't really the right word. More like ready to get it over with so I wouldn't loose my foot in the end. So, as I sat in the doctors office, I prayed for a miracle. I usually have a fairly high pain tolerance, but I wasn't sure how minor foot surgery with not anesthetic would rate. 
I went in and he began to cut. It hurt. Not as painful as I worried it would be, but nonetheless, painful. My wonderful friend, Amanda, helped by standing by my side telling me a story about Shakira. Soon, the cutting, poking, prodding and stuffing was over and I was sent home again. 
Thursday, I went in yet again. This time, the nurse (who by the way was wearing Happy Bunny scrubs that said "Wake me when the boring stops" - that made me laugh way to hard), looked at it, squeezed a bit and said "Oh, the infection is all out! You're good!" So, the doctor came and confirmed it. The infection is gone! 
This is big - it usually takes twice as long for the infection to be gone. But, 1 day after the procedure, it was gone! Praise Jesus! The Lord has healed my body! Now, I can walk, dance, jump and I can sleep in peace! 

What happens when you need to keep a bandage on,
 but it's too hot to wear socks and shoes on both feet. 

My foot, after surgery, my bills (totaling about $30),
 my pills and....waffles. 
My foot after. See the wound near my heel? Thats where
the infection was and where the surgery was performed.

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