Monday, October 14, 2013

Burundi, the heart of Africa

Here I am in Burundi, beginning our third week of outreach. I think when I say outreach we get a certain picture in our head. Preaching in the streets and people falling on there knees, recieving Jesus or see the blind see and the lame walk. While that is great and I am praying that happens, it hasn't yet. But...we have helped a muslim widow build a house and made bricks and cleaned her compound. We have done youth seminars and preached in churches. We have done open air ministry with children and adults.We have preached in the streets, but I was stopped and questioned by a local community leader and I wondered if prison was in my near future. And we have done community service, with the President as a part of his convoy. Seriously, I even had a conversation with him: He says "Akaze keza, mzunug" (good job white person), while laughing, so I say "Murakoze cyane"(thanks a lot) and then we continued planting corn at the prison.

So far this outreach is great. Our team is stepping up and preaching. The things they have to say are impacting and straight from the heart of God. The 10 of us are growing together as a family, learning to love each other even when we want to sleep and the others are being loud. My team is passionate about Jesus and people. And after 3 months of teaching, I get to see what they really learned. This is my life. And honestly, I love it. Yes its hot, tiring, I'm tired of beans and rice, I want a running shower and a real toilet and a real bed...but this is my life. My crazy, exhausting, wonderful, tiring, hard, rewarding, dream life.

And honestly, so many have helped me get this life. To you, I say THANK YOU SO MUCH! I know it is said alot, but honestly, I could not be here without your support. And I pray that that support continues. Your prayers and ecouragement are always welcome and refreshing. And your financial support is always a blessing.
Right now, I am looking at flights and calculating many things. There is still a big need. I feel like God has told me to go home to MI for a season. To take time to reconnect and the raise support before moving farther. So I would ask you, would you be willing to support? Whether it is a special gift or a monthly gift, it is a blessing! I need about $700-$1000 for a flight home and a job when I get home and then monthly support for returning to Africa. So please, take time to consider in prayer what God would have you do to help. If God says give, please be obediant and do so. But if God says no, same thing, be obedient to God.

This need feels overwhelming, but I know my God is faithful and provide. I know He has called me to this life so I know He will provide exactly what I need!

Murakoze Cyane,

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