There is something that has been on my heart lately. Living my life for one person. No, this is not a post about how I want to live for myself. This is not about how I'm the one who matters. And it's not even a post about how I am living my life for THE one (meaning Jesus). Yes, I do aim to live a life that brings glory to my Savior, but thats not necessarily what this is about.
The one. Somewhere in a village in Africa, there is a woman. She has been abandoned by her husband, left to care for their children alone. She has been rejected by her family, abused by her father and left hopeless. For whatever reasons, she has no one. But one day, she hears about Jesus. She finds hope in the love of the Savior. She sees life, a real life thats abundant and full. She can see that she has a loving Father that is nothing like any person she's ever met. And because of her Fathers love, she can care for herself and her children. Because of his love, her Father will provide everything she needs.
This is a story that came to mind. It's not a real story that I have heard, but yet its one that I imagine I will hear, maybe many times, in the future. Is she worth it? Is this woman finding life and hope worth it? Worth the $2000 plane ticket, the hassle of a visa, the work of learning the language, the work of learning a culture. Is her life worth me giving up my American life? Yes. Without a doubt.
In my few years of missions in Africa, I have met many people. I have heard many stories. But lately I felt a question pressing on my heart. If I was placed on this earth simply to meet Assah, or Thabiso, or Precious, or Margaret, or Lindo or Hope...would it be worth it? And I think I can honestly say yes.
So this is my prayer. Maybe more like a response of what I feel God placing on my heart.
I will go. I will do whatever you call me to do. Whether it is for one person, or hundreds. One person seeing you is a good enough reason to leave my home. One persons freedom is enough for me to leave what I've known and learn a new culture, language and a new life. The cost of flights, the trouble of a visa, the work of learning a new language the work of becoming a part of that culture - I will do it for the sake of one woman seeing her value. I will do it so one child can see true love. I will go so one person can be free. Seeing more than one person coming to you, that's just a giant blessing! I count it above and way beyond a blessing that I have already seen you transform so many lives. But I will live my life for the one. I will work, cry, sweat, pray, fight, go all for one person to see you!
P.S. This video sort of sums up what has been on my heart.
You are amazing and God has blessed you with a dream and a direction! I have full faith he will fulfill it girl! I love you and miss you tons! Praying for you as you continue this journey! :)